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CVT(CONSTANT VARIABLE TRAN***ISSION)技术即无级变速技术,它***用传动带和工作直径可变的主、从动轮相配合来传递动力可以实现传动比的连续改变,从而得到传动系与发动机工况的最佳匹配。常见的无级变速器有液力机械式无级变速器和金属带式无级变速器(VDT-CVT),目前国内市场上***用CVT的车型已经越来越多。编辑本段无级变速器和自动变速器的渊源

自动变速器是为了简便操作、降低驾驶疲劳而生的,按齿轮变速系统的控制方式,它可以分为液控液压自动变速器和电控液压自动变速器;按传动比的变化方式又可分为有级式自动变速器和无级式自动变速器。因此,无级变速器实际上是自动变速器的一种,但它比常见的自动变速器要复杂得多,技术上也更为先进。 无级变速器与常见的液压自动变速器最大的不同是在结构上,后者是由液压控制的齿轮变速系统构成,还是有挡位的,它所能实现的是在两挡之间的无级变速,而无级变速器则是两组变速轮盘和一条传动带组成的,比传统自动变速器结构简单,体积更小。另外,它可以自由改变传动比,从而实现全程无级变速,使车速变化更为平稳,没有传统变速器换挡时那种“顿”的感觉。编辑本段无级变速器分类




液体传动分为两类:一类是液压式,主要是由泵和马达组成或者由阀和泵组成的变速传动装置,适用于中小功率传动。另一类为液力式,***用液力耦合器或液力矩进行变速传动,适用于大功率(几百至几千千瓦)。 液体传动的主要特点是:调速范围大,可吸收冲击和防止过载,传动效率较高,寿命长,易于实现自动化:制造精度要求高,价格较贵,输出特性为恒转矩,滑动率较大,运转时容易发生漏油


电力传动基本上分为三类:一类是电磁滑动式,它是在异步电动机中安装一电磁滑差离合器,通过改变其励磁电流来调速,这属于一种较为落后的调速方式。其特点结构简单,成本低,操作维护方便:滑动最大,效率低,发热严重,不适合长期负载运转,故一般只用于小功率传动。 二类是直流电动机式,通过改变磁通或改变电枢电压实现调速。其特点是调速范围大,精度也较高,但设备复杂,成本高,维护困难,一般用于中等功率范围(几十至几百千瓦),现已逐步被交流电动机式替代。 三类是交流电动机式,通过变极、调压和变频进行调速。实际应用最多者为变频调速,即***用一变幅器获得变幅电源,然后驱动电动机变速。其特点是调速性能好、范围大、效率较高,可自动控制,体积小,适用功率范围宽:机械特性在降速段位恒转矩,低速时效率低且运转不够平稳,价格较高,维修需专业人员。近年来,变频器作为一种先进、优良的变速装置迅速发展,对机械无级变速器产生了一定的冲击。


机械传动的特点主要是:转速稳定,滑动率小,工作可靠,具有恒功率机械特性,传动效率较高,而且结构简单,维修方便,价格相对便宜;但零部件加工及润滑要求较高,承载能力较低,抗过载及耐冲击性较差,故一般适合于中、小功率传动。CONSTANT VARIABLE TRAN***ISSION (CVT) technology that is stepless speed technology, it USES belt and the work of the Lord diameters driven pulley, cooperated with the power to deliver, can realize the TRAN***ISSION ratio of the continuous change, and get the TRAN***ISSION and engine condition the best match between. Common step-less tran***ission h***e hydraulic mechanical step-less tran***ission and belt type step-less tran***ission (VDT-CVT), the current domestic market of the CVT vehicles already more and more. Editor this section step-less tran***ission and the origin of the automatic tran***ission

Automatic tran***ission is easy to operate, reduce fatigue driving, born of the gear drive system, the control method, it can be divided into the hydraulic controlled hydraulic and electric automatic tran***ission hydraulic automatic tran***ission; According to the change of the tran***ission way and can be divided into h***e levels of automatic tran***ission and no levels of automatic tran***ission. Therefore, step-less tran***ission is actually a kind of automatic tran***ission, but it than common automatic tran***ission is much more complex, more advanced technologies. Step-less tran***ission and common hydraulic automatic tran***ission of the biggest differences is on the structure, the latter is by hydraulic control gear drive system structure, still h***e the gears, it can be realized in between the two block is continuously variable tran***ission (evt), and is two groups plate and a belt speed of than traditional automatic tran***ission, simple structure, ***aller. In addition, it is free to change gear ratios, so as to realize the full speed stepless speed change, make more ***oothly, without the traditional tran***ission shift at the "" feeling. Editor this section step-less tran***ission classification

To realize stepless speed, driving mode can be adopted according to the liquid tran***ission, power tran***ission and mechanical drive three ways.

Liquid tran***ission

Liquid tran***ission is divided into two kinds: one kind is hydraulic, mainly is composed by the pump and motor or the valve and pump variable speed of tran***ission device, ***ly to ***all and medium-sized power tran***ission. Another kind is hydraulic type, adopts hydraulic coupler or hydraulic torque of variable speed drive, used in high power (kw). To hundreds of thousands of The main characteristics of liquid tran***ission is: speed range, can absorb the impact and big to prevent tran***ission efficiency high, overload, long life, easy to realize automation: manufacturing precision demand is high, the price is more expensive, output characteristics for constant torque, sliding rate is bigger, running vulnerable to leak.

Power tran***ission

Power tran***ission basically is divided into three categories: one kind is electromagnetic sliding type, it is in the asynchronous motor installed in electromagnetic clutch, sliding by changing its exciter current to speed, this belongs to a kind of relatively backward speed adjustment way. The characteristics of simple structure, low cost, convenient operation and maintenance, sliding, low efficiency, biggest fever, not suitable for long-term serious load operation, the general used only for ***all power tran***ission. Second is the dc motor type, changes in the magnetic flux or change the armature voltage realize the speed. Its characteristic is speed range, high precision, large and complex, high cost but equipment, maintenance difficulties, are used for medium power range (dozens to hundreds of kw), has gradually been ac motor type instead. Three kinds of ac motor type is, through the change pole, pressure control and frequency conversion for the speed. The most practical ***lication for variable frequency speed regulation, namely deserve using a horns, and then get luffing power drive motor variable speed. Its characteristic is the speed performance is good, range, high efficiency, it can automatic control, ***all volume, it is suitable for a wide range of power: mechanical properties in single reducing speed constant torque, low efficiency and low speed running ***ooth enough, the price is higher, maintenance should be professional. In recent years, frequency converter as an advanced, excellent variable speed device rapid development of machinery, step-less tran***ission produced a certain impact.

Mechanical tran***ission

The main characteristic of the mechanical tran***ission is stable, rotate speed sliding rate, reliable, and has ***all constant power mechanical properties, the tran***ission efficiency is high, and simple structure, convenient maintenance, the price is relatively cheap; But parts processing and lubrication to demand higher bearing capacity, low resistance, resistance to impact overload and poor, so general suitable for medium and ***all power tran***ission. 已发送,望***纳


汽车的传动系统原理 汽车传动系统的原理:1、AT传动系统的结构与手动挡相比,在结构和使用上有很大的不同。手动挡主要由齿轮和轴组成,通过不同的齿轮组合产生变速变矩;2、而AT传动系统是由液力变矩器、行星齿轮和液压操纵系统组成,通过液力传递和齿轮组合的方式来达到变速变矩。其中液力变矩器是AT传动系统最具特点的部件,它由泵轮、涡轮和导轮等构件组成,它直接输入发动机动力并传递转矩,同时具有离合作用;3、泵轮和涡轮是一对工作组合,它们就好似相对放置的两台风扇,一台风扇吹出的风力会带动另一台风扇的叶片旋转,风力成了动能传递的媒介;4、如果用液体代替空气成为传递动能的媒介,泵轮就会通过液体带动涡轮旋转,再在泵轮和涡轮之间加上导轮,通过反作用力使泵轮和涡轮之间实现转速差就可以实现变速变矩了。 @2019


按发动机 相对于各总成的位置,汽车传动系有下列5种布置形式

1)发动机 前置后轮驱动(FR):Front-engine Rear-drive


2)发动机 前置前轮驱动(FF):Front-engine Front-drive


3)发动机 中置后轮驱动(MR) Middle-engine Rear-drive


4)发动机 后置后轮驱动(RR): Rear-engine Rear-drive


5)全轮驱动(nWD) 4Wheel Drive





Sludge filter press virtual design Abstract This paper finishing the current ***lied to the belt filter press dewatering theory and design experience, based on the theoretical and empirical design a bandwidth of 2000mm belt sludge filter press. Belt sludge filter press drivetrain and powertrain systems design. Design the main content of the system layout, tran***ission mode, the motor bearing selection. Topics include: 1, the drive mechani*** design: tran***ission design, tran***ission ratio calculation, motor and reducer selection of roller chain drive design, sprocket design. 2, tran***ission parts: gear calculation chain drive. 3 bodies, parts virtual design: part modeling based on Pro / E, the whole virtual assembly, kinematic simulation. 4, complete the drawings: Institutional General Plan, gears, chain parts diagram. 5 to complete the foreign language translation. Sorted out through the theoretical and empirical, ***lied to the actual designs, try to design a processing capability, low cost, practical belt sludge filter press. Keywords: belt sludge filter press, tran***ission design, kinematic simulation, engineering drawings





了解决这个问题,早在上世纪80年代,汽车工程界就弄出了一个双离合系统变速器,简称DSG(英文全称:Direct Shift Gearbox),装配在赛车上,能消除换档离合时的动力传递停滞现象。例如 布加迪EBl6.4 Veyron的新型7速变速器是装置了双离合器,从一个档位换到另一个档位,时间不会超过0.2秒。现在,这种双离合器已经从赛车应用到一般跑车上。奥迪汽车公司的新型奥迪TT跑车和新奥迪A3都已经装置了这种DSG。这些汽车装配DSG的目的是可以比自动变速器更加平顺地换档,不会有迟滞现象。














动力传输连贯 效率较

缺点 结构复杂 现阶段制造成本较高


The clutch is located in engine and tran***ission between engine and tran***ission power transfer "switch", it is a kind already can tran***it power, and can cut off power tran***ission mechani***. Its major functions is to guarantee the car can ***ooth start, variable speed change

Double on-off gearbox (DCT)

Block tran***ission gears when reduce the impact load and prevent tran***ission overload. In general bus, auto shift by clutch separation and joints when, in separation and realize between mating h***e power transfer temporary interruption phenomenon. In the ordinary bus no effect, but the clock in your car, if the clutch master bad power behind the speed will slow, affect scores.

In order to solve this problem, the early 1980s, the automotive engineering will make a double clutch system tran***ission, abbreviation vehicles.the (English name: Direct Shift Gearbox), assembly on the car, can eliminate shifting clutch of power transfer stagnation phenomenon. For example BuJiaDi EBl6.4 Veyron new 7 speed tran***ission is the device for double clutch, from a gear change to another gear, time can't exceed 0.2 seconds. Now, the double clutch has been ***lied to general from racing cars. Audi car company's new audi TT sports car and the new audi A3 h***e device the vehicles.the. These car assembly vehicles.the purpose is can more ***oothly than automatic tran***ission gear shift, won't h***e hysteresis phenomenon.

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Double on-off gearbox (DCT) also called directly shift gearbox (vehicles.the). Count down it also has the nearly 70 years of history, but for a very long time and this gearbox are unknown, and the genuine used in mass production car is not long ago things. Double on-off gearbox advantages obviously, but its internal structure by comparison is very complicated. First of all it has two clutches respectively by electronic control and push by hydraulic system, and two clutches corresponding two groups of planetary gear tran***ission, so also corresponding complex is divided into two parts, the center of solid shaft is responsible for a set of gear, and hollow shaft responsible for another group. Visible double re-rotating the internal structure of the almost overturned thoroughly traditional gearbox form.

The working principle of double on-off gearbox can be simple understanding for a clutch corresponding odd block, another clutch corresponding even block. When the vehicle hangs in a block, another clutch and corresponding next shift has been located in preparation condition, when

Double on-off gearbox (DCT)

Former gears separation is immediately jointing next shift gearbox, accordingly double on-off shift speed than the ***erage gearbox even manual gearbox faster. Besides double on-off gearbox although internal complex, but the actual volume and weight compared with automatic tran***ission character and not how much more than manual gearbox, therefore equipment double on-off gearbox models not ***ooth too burdensome for himself.

At present domestic in the sale equipment double on-off gearbox models numbered, representative is public its Wallace GTI, EOS leaps, and still cool and equipped with double on-off gearbox soar team and loungyee will also listed in the near future. In addition S40 also h***e double Volvo re-rotating version. And many of the cars are porsche adopted dual on-off gearbox.

Audi the double clutch system tran***ission is a whole, there h***e been six gear, clutch and tran***ission assembly at the same facility, two clutch cooperate each other work. This good metaphor a car had two sets of clutch, are driver control a set, vice driver control another set. Are the driver hang 1 file loosen clutch pedal started, the deputy drivers advance hang pot 2 but trample clutch pedal, When the speed up ready to shift and are driver trample clutch pedal while vice driver namely loosen clutch pedal, second gear began to work. Thus omitted rotary-switching empty flash, continuous power transfer, and a bit like the relay race. Double clutch system two sets of clutch tran***ission system, through computer control coordination work.

When the automobile driving in a normal, a clutch and tran***ission of a gear are linked together, the engine power transfer to the drive wheels, Computer based on the speed and speed for driver shifting intention judgement, foresight to control another clutch with another gear gears connected, but only is in the ready state, has not yet connected with engine power. Shift when first clutch disconnect, at the same time the first 2 clutch will h***e connected gears and engine joint. Besides, a clutch except gap is closed, another clutch is in the open.

Two root tran***ission shaft respectively by first and second clutch to control and engine power connection and disconnected, are respectively responsible for 1, 3, 5 files and 2, 4 and 6 shifting gear transform. Considering the parts service life, the designer chose tanker diaphragm type clutch, clutch action by the hydraulic system to control.

What's the advantage of vehicles.the tran***ission? Vehicles.the tran***ission is mainly to consumer demand for driving sensation and vehicle fuel-efficient double request, for manual tran***ission drivers like provides the best choice. Equipped with vehicles.the engine because of fast gear conversion can arise immediately traction and greater flexibility, acceleration time than manual tran***ission more quick.

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Power tran***ission coherent with higher efficiency

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Car parts


The engine is a power plant, which provides power to drive the automobile.

In most automobile engines,the explosive power of the mixture of air and gasoline drives the pistons.The pistons turn a crankshaft to which they are attached The rotating force of the crankshaft makes the automobile’s wheels turn.

Some automobiles are powered by another kind of engine,known as the rotary valve,rotating combustion engine or Wankel engine The rotary valve engine also draws in a mixture of air and fuel, which is then compressed and burnt.A motor revolving in an elliptical chamber is connected to a shaft,Which finally drives the rear wheels.In most automobiles.the engine is mounted at the front end of the car,with the clutch and gearbox immediately behind it;the engine, clutch and gearbox are assembled into a single unit

Suspension System

The function of the suspension system is to absorb vibrations due to the up and down motion of wheels.caused by the irregularities in the road surface . The springs, connecting linkages.and shock absorber comprise the suspension system of a vehicle.The suspension system is of two types:

(1)Rigid system

(2)Independent system

In the rigid system, the road springs are attached to a rigid beam axle. It is mostly used in the front axle of commercial vehicles and in the car axle of all types of vehicles.

The independent system does not h***e a rigid axle. Each wheel is free to move vertically without any reaction on its mating wheel. The independent system is mostly used in ***all cars

Power Train

The power train carries the power that the engine produces to the car wheels. It consists of the clutch (on cars with a manual tran***ission), tran***ission (a system of gears that increases the turning effort of the engine to move the automobile ),drive shaft, differential and rear axle.


A clutch is required with the manual tran***ission system to temporarily disconnect the engine from wheels. Such disengagement of the power train from the engine is essential while changing the gear ratio or while stopping the vehicle.


The main function of the tran***ission is to provide the necessary variation to the torque ***lied by the engine to the wheels. This is achieved by changing the gearing ratio between the engine output shaft and the drive shaft.

Drive Shaft

The drive shaft or propeller connects the gearbox and the differential unit. The drive shaft has universal joints at its ends.


The function of the differential is to split the power received from the propeller shaft to the rear axle shaft. It allows the rear wheels to be driven at different speeds when the vehicle takes a bend or falls into a ditch.


Axles are the shafts on which road wheels are mounted. The road wheels are provided with the required drive through these axles.


The automobile wheels take the load of the vehicle and also produce tractive force to move the vehicle. The wheels are also used for retardation and for stopping the vehicle.

Steering System

The steering system is used for changing the direction of the vehicle .The major requirements in any steering mechani*** are that it should be precise and easy to handle, and that the front wheels should h***e a tendency to return to the straight-ahead position after a turn. A gear mechani***, which is known as steering gear, is used in this system to increase the steering effort provided by the driver. This system makes the vehicle steering very easy as the driver does not h***e to put in much effort.Vehicle steering is not only required on a curved road but also while maneuvering on the busy traffic roads.The steering system allows the vehicle to be guided i.e.to be turned left or right.

Braking System

Brakes are required for slowing down or stopping a moving vehicle.The braking system may be operated mechanically or hydraulically. 95 percent of the braking systems in use today are of the hydraulic type.

All brake consist of two members.one rotating and the other stationary.There are various means by which the two member call be brought in contact,thus reducing the speed of the vehicle.

The major components of the braking system are:brake pedal, master cylinder, wheel Cylinder, brake pipe,brake shoes.brake packing plant and linkages.As the load on the vehicle and the vehicle speed has increased according to recent trends.in modem days, the importance of the braking system has also increased and power brakes are now being preferred.Power brakes utilize vacuum and air pressure to provide most of the brake————***lying effort.










































32.7 Springs serving also as torque and thrust members

32.7 弹簧还可以作为扭力和推力构件

This system, Fig. 32.3, known as the Hotchkiss drive, is the most widely used.

此系统被称为霍奇基斯传动,如图32.3 所示,它是最为广泛使用的传动装置。

The springs A are rigidly bolted to the axle casing B. Their front ends are pivoted in brackets on the frame or vehicle structure, and their rear ends connected to the structure by means of either swinging links, or shackles C. or simply sliding in brackets as in Figs 35.7 and 37.18.

弹簧A 被螺栓紧固在轴箱B 上。它们的前端使用枢轴链接方式固定在框架或车辆结构上的支架内, 后端则通过摇杆、钩链C 或仅在支架上活动与结构连接在一起,如示图35.7 和37.18。

Obviously torque reaction causes the springs to flex, or wind up, as shown exaggeratedly in Fig. 32.4.


Brake torque of course would flex them in the opposite direction.


Since the front ends of the springs are anchored to the pins on the structure, they will tran***it drive thrust and brake drag.


The freedom of their rear ends to move fore and aft of course allows for variations in the curvature, or camber, of the spring with vertical deflection.


Wind-up of the springs under brake or drive torque causes the axle to rotate through a ***all angle, causing its nose either to lift, as in Fig. 32.4, or to drop.


In the illustration, the spring wind-up has shifted the alignment of the final drive bevel pinion shaft from its normal attitude LO to LN, in which circumstances the propeller shaft would be subjected to severe bending loads were it not for the universal joints at O and M.

在示图中,弹簧的收卷已经将主减速器的圆锥小齿轮轴从正常属性LO转换到LN,在这种情况下,如果不是万向节在O 和M 位置的话,传动轴就会承受到巨大的弯曲负荷。

When the axle moves upwards relative to the carriage unit, it must move in the arc of a circle whose centre is ***roximately the axis of the pivot pin at the front end of the spring.


The propeller shaft, on the other hand, must move on the arc of a circle centred on its front universal joint.


Because these two centres are not coincident, the distance between the front universal joint and the forward end of the bevel pinion shaft will vary as the propeller shaft swings up and down.


This variation is accommodated by the incorporation of a sliding joint somewhere in the drive line between the gearbox output shaft and bevel pinion in the axle.


Usually a sliding splined coupling is formed on a fork of one of the universal joints, but sometimes a universal joint of the pot type, as for example in Fig. 26.12, is used.

通常情况下,在其中一个万向节叉上就可以构成一个的滑动的齿槽联轴节, 但是有时候则使用球笼式万向节,如示图26.12。

The example illustrated is the Birfleld Rzeppa constant-velocity joint, another would be the very neat and simple universal joint used on the inner ends of the swinging halfshafts of the 1955 Fiat 600 rear-engine car.


In the latter instance a rubber joint at the outboard end of each shaft accommodated the cyclic variations in velocity.


Rotation of the axle about a longitudinal axis, for example if one wheel only rises, is accommodated mainly by flexure of the springs, in a torsional sense, of rubber bushes, and by deflections of the shackles or within clearances in sliding end fittings.


For cross-country vehicles, however, special forms of connection of the spring ends to the frame are sometimes used to isolate the springs from such twisting effects.


Figs 37.13 to 37.15.

示图37.13 到示图 37.15。


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